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As an all volunteer organization, Ukids is always looking for people to help us grow so we can have a greater impact. If you are interested in volunteering your time or skills you can find out about our opportunities both state-side and in Uganda by contacting us. 

Host A Barrel Drive

Every year we take much needed items to Uganda. We need your help collecting items including soccer balls, backpacks, school shoes, socks and underwear.  Host a barrel drive at your business, school, or church. This is a great service activity for all ages. Contact us for details.

Host A Bead Party

Fundraising is always a great way to show your support. Paper bead necklaces are a BIG hit. Get together with your friends and spend an evening having fun and raising money for a great cause. 100% of proceeds are invested back into Uganda. Contact us for more details.

Help Organize A Fundraiser Race!

In 2014, Ukids hosted a race for the children at the Seeta orphanage. It was a huge hit. We would love to connect the youth of Uganda with the youth in America. There is a trememdous need for financial support for our secondary school students. What better way to show compassion and support than to do it together. Our goal is to host a race right here in Oregon.  Athletics can be a wonderful way for children to cope and feel normal even in the midst of great dispair and poverty. It can help them feel accomplished and give a sense of being a part of something great. Corporate donations make it possible for us to supply equipment and host events. If you have the knowledge and resources to help, please contact us.

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